OPD Rx Paper (Manual)

OPD Rx Computerised

OPD Receipt

Investigation Bills

Daycare Bills

Birth Registration

Vaccination Chart

Medical Certificates

Emergency Assessment

IPD NABH Compliant File

IPD Registration

Internal Medicines

MLC Registration

TPA/ Cashless Request Form-A

TPA/ Cashless Request Form-B

IPD Vital Chart

IPD Medication Chart

IPD Intake-Output Chart

IPD Discharge

IPD Discharge-II

O.T. Record

IPD Summary Bill

IPD Breakup Bill

Pathology Report

USG Report

X-Ray Report

ECG Report

Vital Graphical Assessment




Softcure : Hospital Software
Softcure follows the guidelines & standards designed by NABH for Hospital Information System to keep patient's Electronic Medical Record. The Cash-less/TPA compliant billing system is developed as per the standards of IRDA, Govt of India for Summary bill format under Schedule IV-A and detailed bill format under Schedule IV-B with more than 68,000+ ICD Codes.
Our Technical Certifications